lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Are you ready to die?

I am sure this is a strange question, I never asked anybody before.
What is the meaning of life and the meaning of death to you?
Do you live thinking to die? I wonder how many people live that way today.
Do you live a life with meaning or did you realize lately that your life has no meaning?
May be you think you will never die. Some people live like that! Did you know that fact?
Have you ever heard people living around you, thinking of their death?
How many people around you, ever spoke to you about their death or shared comments with you about this topic?
We are not truly aware that we will die one day. Still, we will all go through the experience one day or another!  I realized that when people live in certain situations or have a specific condition, they begin to be more aware about the concept of “death”. It seems to be more real for them, than for people living a life out of those challenges. All these comments are independent of how you see life and how you see or consider death.
During the past 48 days of my life I asked myself many questions related to many topics of which I never wrote before. I have been listening very carefully to people around me, observing how they live their life, listening to their stories about how they see themselves ending their life as well. The majority never asked themselves the purpose of their life. They just lived it! When I asked them “what is the purpose of your life?” many looked at me not knowing the answer and sometimes questioning if the answer is important to be known.
Why does this happen to human beings? Why do we behave this way? Do we know the answers to these types of questions or not? Do we have to know the answers or not? Will we be happier knowing that answer? The answer is yes, we definitely will be happier!
Last week a friend said to me “I already set everything, and I am ready to die” I was very impressed to listen to her say it, since she has no condition, she is not an elderly human being, and I consider she is healthy and wise, to inspire other human beings as well.
 Even though I agree that anything can happen to every human being any moment and any time, still I also believe we have so much to give to the world beginning by sharing our own life experiences, sharing the lessons we learned, our values, our dreams and desires, that to think about death is not necessary at all. It will happen anyway! And as we know it will happen, wouldn’t it be better to live our best life daily, understanding who we are and the purpose of our life? No matter your age, this is true!
Life is definitely a game. We come to life with nothing and we leave it the same way. Still we live life thinking this will be different. And we accumulate things instead of life experiences, instead of sharing love and stories with people to inspire them to understand the opportunities are closer than they seem to be.
During the journey of our life we add to our back pack, many things in the form of objects, as well as spiritual items, we value. Still I observed that people value sometimes objects more than emotional reactions to episodes of their life.
People do not understand and process their life experiences as lessons that will let them evolve and grow as human beings. They seem to forget them more that have them as their life survival kit to walk forward with more clarity and self esteem, understanding who they really are, instead of who they think they are; this causes them to walk blind with no clarity.
So when my friend said to me days ago “I am ready to die” this inspired me to share with you this article to awake you, the reader, to consider it is time to LIVE while you are alive instead of waiting to live in the future. You will never live in the future since the future will be yours just and only when it transforms in today! Nobody can ever live in the future; every human being can only live in the present time.
So from now on, try to focus on who you are, which is your purpose, get inspired to find your best opportunities no matter your age, because your life deserves to be the best expression of who you are and you are here to live a life that will inspire others at the same time.
Try to show others the best performance of your role, because in this life there is only one spotlight and one stage for you to shine. Make it happen as soon as you can. Make a difference in your own life to make a difference in other people’s life.

Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
"The Clarity Mentor"
Life Changing Coach
“My Journey toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session”
Cel: (591) 730 07479
La Paz - Bolivia

For additional information, you can benefit from these resources:

Who is Esther? 

When do people decide to hire a coach?

Today I met him: “The story of George”

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3 Insider Secrets to help Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders enjoy more time with family and friends work less and still be productive

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